NX Filtration
About us
NX Filtration is a provider of direct nanofiltration membrane technology for producing pure and affordable water to improve quality of life. With its direct nanofiltration membranes (dNF), NX Filtration disrupts the market offering strong advantages in terms of selectivity, footprint and sustainability. The hollow fiber dNF membranes can, in one single step, remove low molecular weight organics from polluted water, including micropollutants, colour, antibiotics, PFAS, but also bacteria and viruses from water. At the same time, they offer strong sustainability benefits in terms of low energy use and avoidance of pre-treatment chemicals. The low fouling and chlorine resistant characteristics have resulted in new and simple processes for the treatment of water, the reuse of wastewater and the production of potable water.
Hollow fiber nanofiltration
NX Filtration’s inside-out hollow fiber membranes are based on unique recipes and innovative patented production methods. The base material for our membranes is PolyEtherSulfone (PES). This provides an ideal chemical and thermal stability for use in robust filtration processes. Compared to other membrane materials, PES enables the production of membranes with very small pore sizes and narrow pore size distribution. The selectivity is based on a polyelectrolyte multilayer that is applied in a Layer-by-Layer manner/concept. This allows for an unique precise control of the membrane properties on a nanometer level.
Key applications
For its municipal customers, NX Filtration’s membranes are being applied to produce drinking water from surface water by removing, amongst others, micropollutants, bacteria, viruses and colour in one single step, to treat wastewater streams to prevent discharge of polluting substances in the environment and to reuse wastewater for purposes that also include the production of drinking water.
NX Filtration’s membranes are also serving various water consuming industries. Here they treat surface or well water to optimise quality and characteristics for process water, prevent discharge of polluting wastewater and reuse wastewater for industrial processes and recover and recycle valuable raw materials from wastewater streams, such as indigo in the textile industry or cleaning chemicals in beer breweries.
Pilot units
To demonstrate the performance of dNF, NX Filtration offers a range of pilot equipment, varying from automated containerized pilot systems to table-top units for proof of concept. The fully automated Mexpert pilot installation allows for maximum flexibility in all piloting circumstances. It uses the largest dNF modules for the most realistic full-scale testing results. Adapting running conditions, hydraulically cleaning the module, dosing cleaning agents, can all be controlled and monitored digitally. Datalogging allows for in depth analysis of the test results.